Reconnect, renew and explore the meaning of your colours with an Aura-Soma consultation

Each Equilibrium colour combination is a key to consciousness. Being present to your chosen colours initiates a beautiful transmission of energy that awakens and empowers your inner being. Applying them daily to your skin, nourishes your innate essence, gifts and potential.

Aura-Soma® is a vibrational colour care system that promotes self-awareness and well being.

Your personal colour code shines a light on your gifts, qualities and soul purpose and how you naturally express that energy throughout life. They reveal your possibilities for transformation, growth and the potential energy that is available for you to harness in the here and now.  Not only will you gain insight into your colour choices via the colour language but the numbers of each bottle also form part of your individual energy matrix.

During a consultation with a registered practitioner, you select from over 120 bottled colour combinations (named Equilibrium) that radiate with jewel like vibrancy.  Your selection is based on the 4 bottles that call to you the most and these reflect your beings needs for nourishment, connection and wholeness. You may also have a consult based on one bottle choice to reflect your immediate priority for care.

Upon conclusion of your consultation, it's recommended that you purchase an Equilibrium colour combination to take home and apply to your skin on the relevant chakra area.  The Equilibrium range are a beautiful addition to your self-nurturing regime as they feature the "living energies" of crystals, plants, flowers and herbs as essences, essential oils, extracts and spagyric tinctures . This is an empowering practice that deepens your connection to self and the colours most resonant to you, allowing for full integration and expression of the energies contained within.

Access the dynamic, living energies of nature and colour consciousness of Aura-Soma and....

  • Discover new tools to meet life's challenges

  • Improve your daily interactions and relationships

  • Rediscover your enthusiasm for life

  • Feel more relaxed

  • Learn to appreciate and value yourself

  • Meet yourself with deeper love and care

  • Transform your inner world and open to new possibilities

  • Balance and revitalise your inner essence

" Thank you so much!  My session was truly beautiful and I feel blessed.  I LOVED the Aura-Soma experience and the brilliant insights you offered. You certainly hit the nails right on their heads!!  I am about to have a bath and then use my oil to further integrate all we discussed.  I am excited!  Love your work! " Catherine

Experiential sessions featuring the 5 pillars of Aura-Soma

The 5 Pillars Treatment

Have your senses indulged and receive deep support on all levels of being with this beautiful and sacred offering. Relax on the massage table and be treated to a protective Pomander, grounding Colour Essences anointed on acu points , a life line massage on the feet with an Equilibrium Balance Oil, connect to your inner master with an uplifting Quintessence and awaken seeds of potential as the Archangeloi spray dances through your field.  These products interact with you via subtle energetic pathways and are chosen based on your colour code.

Your 4 bottles

Experience the vibration of your chosen Equilibrium bottles as they are gently introduced to your field with the Aura-Soma light pen.  Take some time to rest and rejuvenate as the bottles are then placed upon you whilst drifting into the sounds of soothing crystal singing bowls, energy bar chimes and tuning forks.

copyright  © 2007 - 2023 Rebecca Calabro - A Blissful Existence