Awakening Self Love

Throughout this workshop, you are gently guided through powerful inner processes that anchor you in the essence of love.  We are all deeply worthy of love and yet many of us feel confused when it comes to the art of loving ourselves.  What does it mean to love yourself, to accept yourself wholly, completely as you are?  How do you connect to love?  How do you embody love if you are unsure of what love actually feels like?  This workshop aims to awaken clarity and to bring you firmly into the presence of the love that is eternally within you, not because there is a lack of love but because we forget to give it unconditionally to ourselves.

During this workshop....

  • Connect with a powerful mandala and sound to raise your vibration from fear to love.
  • Be guided through a beautiful healing journey with the crystal devas to dissolve fear.
  • Practice the art of holding a loving space for self with the breath and visualisation.
  • Create a self portrait of love immersion
  • Receive downloads relating to love, acceptance, self compassion and care
  • Activate energy points within the subtle energy system with colour projection and crystals.
  • Explore the difference between self love and conditioned patterns of self soothing.
  • Get in touch with your inner needs and priorities for self care.
  • Ground love into your cells with therapeutic sound work.